Fast & Furious and Executive Privelidge

INVOKES EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE on 'Fast and Furious' Documents as House
Contempt Vote against Attorney General Eric Holder looms. This is as
much as an admission of guilt. The only question now is: how far up the
chain does the cover-up go? The United States Justice Department asking
for and receiving Executive Privilege??? This is an absolute disgrace.
Epic management fail!! In the private sector
heads would already have rolled, only in government
( the military action would have certainly been
swift) employ is no-one held accountable/responsible for the death of a
federal officer and the death of over 300+ Mexican nationals (and
counting). Eighteen months the AG has delayed and obstructed (and his
department answered in written testimony which was subsequently
withdrawn as admittedly materially false and misleading) a lawful
Subpoena from Congress for information and documentation. Denying
Congress, a co-equal branch of government! Justice and the law of the
land must be blind and equal for and to all. Disgraceful. An independent
Special Prosecutor needs to be installed to fully investigate this
immediately, with results publicized within 100 days!!! I am watching,
are you?? "What did the President know and when did he know it?"~
famous quote from the Watergate scandal.
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