Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ecology and the Environment

Global Cooling? Global Warming? Wait, let's refer to it as Climate Change.

               The coming ICE AGE, Time Magazine cover from April, 1977.

               The Global Warming Survival Guide, Time Magazine cover from April, 2007
I guess in those 30 years, we discovered better ways to process the data? Woops, Ecological fallacy perhaps.
Who would argue against reducing harmful polluntants and preserving wildlife and its habitat? That all must support!
The politicalization of science to form a one world government, or that results in a loss of Liberty and Freedom is however NOT an acceptable coarse of action for this or any other democratic nation state.

Interesting reading:

1 comment:

  1. You've reached the wrong conclusion: somebody faked the top one; here's Time's link to the 2007 cover:,16641,20070409,00.html

    You will search in vain for a similar cover from April 1977; go ahead and look at the Time cover database there, using the above link; see for yourself.

    Not to say that Time wasn't worrying about a new ice age back in the 70s; they were:,9171,944914,00.html

    So we should point to their words, in properly sourced and attributed documentation, and be wary of images like this, which may have been done by the Left to try to discredit us global warming skeptics.
