Friday, July 25, 2014



     μολὼν λαβέ, pronounced moˈLON laˈVE, and sometimes written in the modern age as ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ or Molon Labe; is a truly classical and laconic expression of defiance reportedly spoken by Sparta’s King Leonidas I, in response to to Xerxes I of Persia’s demand that the Spartans surrender their weapons at the Battle of Thermopylae. 

     It means simply, “Come and take them!”

     No matter the spelling, the sentiment is clear and is as true, right, and applicable in the America of 2014 as it was in the Greece of 480 BC!!

     2493 years don’t change anything of meaning!

     The same “offer” is being made to Americans today. Our lives in exchange for our ability to defend both those lives and the liberties that make those lives the lives of free men and women. 

     We, free men and women, law abiding citizens, must give the same response  to our modern day Xerxes; Obumble and Pelosi, the bloviating Harry Reid, and misguided ex NYC Mayor Bloomberg!

     All, to there core, mean well (? do they), but are wrong way Liberal and Progressive gun-grabbers! Way more interested in publicity than in solving the problem by digging down to the root cause.

     A gun, legally owned by a citizen, having mental health, is a threat to no one! 

      I own, and it is locked away (per NJ Law) :) in safe; as a responsible gun owner in NJ; but a very similar if not exact: Colt Model 1911A1 is pictured here. (.45)

Anyone feel threatened? No, didn't think so.

     A gun in the hands of the mentally "challenged" "IS" a BIG PROBLEM!!! 

     Can we finally, now, today, have an honest and open discussion on the ramifications of the progressive Left's negative impact on society in relation to mental health?TBC


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