Friday, January 10, 2014

Ramdom thoughts, venting really.

NO, OBAMA VOTERS Jesus did NOT believe in wealth redistribution 

PAUL: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat." 
2 Thessalonians 3:10
(See how one, anyone can quote an individual piece of a whole thought, and make it fit their "model". Like statistics. Charts, Graphs, Websites. All information can be manipulated. The key is to learn to reason for yourself. Gather information from various sources, then and only then form your own opinion. Trust no one individual OR GROUP. Think FOR YOUR darn self!!)

In a nutshell: 

Capitalism is figuring out how to get what your neighbor has, and then repeating those life behavior lessons. 
Socialism is about how to get that neighbor to lose what he has and have it given to? Me? You? Are you sure?

How to fix the problems:

Spurred on by Mark Levin and others, there is a grass-roots conservative movement to convene an Article V convention of the States to amend the Constitution by enacting so-called "Liberty Amendments" that would eliminate the popular election of Senators, require a balanced federal budget, prohibit the federal government from any activity conducted by the states (including healthcare), effectively eliminate the commerce clause and the general welfare clause, enact term limits on judges and enable the States to overturn judicial decisions, and impose nation-wide voter ID laws. I agree with all these ideas. It's common sense. We are after all a Nation of Laws after all, right? Right?

The Environment: Respecting and Protecting our Ecosystem
      Obviously a polluted ecosystem does not discriminate against political affiliations.  Humanity requires a healthy environment above all other concerns; as clean water, air, and healthy soil are essential to our survival. That we can all agree on. However, the modern environmental movement seems to have been hijacked by the elite who show no desire to protect the water, air, and soil.  Environmentalists have been made to believe that CO2 is the most dangerous element responsible for "Global Warming", and despite the establishment's constant betrayal of facts, many still put faith in the elite's proposed solutions that do nothing to reduce real pollutants.
      The climate change debate has become the only environmental topic discussed in the mainstream and appears to be yet another example of manufactured political division. Environmentally-conscious progressives know they have been repeatedly lied to by the establishment left about everything from free-trade agreements, to the wars, to GMO foods, yet they seem to have a very difficult time questioning the man-made "global warming" theory and the elite's proposed solutions.
      At the very least, eyebrows should be raised since “hacked” emails exposed that the science data had been manipulated to fit the theory.  Alarm bells should go off when we learn that, as Vice President, Gore designed the proposed Cap and Trade system with Enron’s criminal CEO Ken “Kenny Boy” Lay years before the global warming propaganda had begun. A full blown revolt should take place knowing that the scandalous international Banksters and Big Oil (including BP) have shaped Cap and Trade to line their pockets. Finally, many of the proposed provisions appear to tax personal choices while major corporate polluters are exempt. Regardless of what we believe, it certainly appears that climate change fits the establishment's problem-reaction-solution model of social engineering and we should all beware.
      Additionally, the global-warming-is-a-hoax crowd must concede that fossil fuels are still dirty and have a major impact on the environment regardless of whether they effect climate change.  The environmentalists who recently opposed fracture drilling in Pennsylvania did so because the practice contaminates ground water, not because natural gas effects climate change.  These protesters were nonpartisan Americans.  We must unite against practices that provably damage our health and the health of our ecosystem.  These can include oil spills and subsequent chemical spraying, industrial agriculture and factory farms, dirty coal and depleted uranium energy plants, deliberate poisoning of public water with sodium fluoride, and the production, promotion, and disposal of dangerous pharmaceuticals to name a few.

Common Ground: True pollution is obvious. "Truth is uniform and narrow; it constantly exists, and does not seem to require so much an active energy, as a passive aptitude of the soul in order to encounter it. But error is endlessly diversified; it has no reality, but is the pure and simple creation of the mind that invents it." - Ben Franklin.   

We must unite to confront the provable threats to human health and the integrity of our environment, we must do it! We must be good and faithful stewards of the environment and the eco-systems. 

That does not mean that I support a "carbon tax" or any other way worded socialist wealth redistribution scheme. F*!!!!!

China, not our friend. If you must buy a Chinese product, make it clothing. Food, no, no, no. Stay away on everything to the best of your ability. 

Read this book:

Death by China: Confronting the Dragon – A Global Call to Action is a 2011 non-fiction book by economics professor Peter Navarro and Greg Autry

HERE'S A COMMON SENSE THOUGHT: If you can't explain the 'pause', you can't explain the cause...

I can’t believe most Americans are so gullible to believe the global warming hoax and the manufactured “consensus” paraded as faux science in the face of real scientific evidence to the contrary.

China is currently viewed as one of the most polluted countries on earth. Chinese food inspection controls take a backseat in that country's calculated efforts to unload its pollution-based food products across North America and beyond. If you value your health, when purchasing apple juice, fish and shellfish products (to name but a few), give 'Made in China" a wide berth.

China—such a large country, with 1.3 billion people using 45 percent of the coal used in the world, 50 percent of all the cement and 40 percent of all the copper.

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