Saturday, August 31, 2013

Syria; or, 'We learn from history that man can never learn anything from history.' - Hegel (1770-1831) German philosopher.

Oh my what a mess. I have always held the belief that failure in domestic policies would bring hurt to US Citizens, but only in their pockets. We see that today. The weakest economic recovery in history, fact. It is however Foreign Policy where my core passions reside. Failure in Foreign Policy leads to death. Ultimately, to the shedding of great blood and treasure by our amazing Armed Forces because, Politicians....talkers for goodness sake, snake salesman they called them years be gone- could not get their act together. Ideology is one thing, but pragmatism is another. It's the difference between seeing the world as you want it to be, vs seeing the world as it is. Big difference. We, as a people have again elected a President who'd ideology prevents him (and his chosen team) from seeing things as they are. Informed citizens would agree Syria's dictator Bashar al-Assad is a bad person, just as his father was before him. Most everyone abhors the use of chemical weapons. It is repulsive and worthy of condemnation. What is with Obama, so hell-bent on weakening leaders who oppose the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and terrorists armies in Syria? And why does he so aggressively arm the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist armies to the teeth? Does he not realize that in doing so he is essentially helping enemies of the Western World, and Israel?
However, unlike the administration, I suggest that both sides in the Syrian civil war are terrible and that there is not a good side in this tragedy. Our interests, (USA, the free English speaking peoples of the US,UK, AU, NZ, etc) would be in greater danger at this point if the radical Islamists and terrorists in the opposition manage to win than if Assad survives.In this setting, what will American missiles accomplish? A limited "lob a few cruise missles" attack is an absurdity. Assad is backed by Russia and Iran. Hello!  They will replace anything the Americans destroy.Russia is deeply opposed to an American bombing campaign. This will further widen the gap between the two countries.Goodness folks, it's a Russian warm water port they have in Syria. Imagine if we we ice locked. How there will ever be any significant changes unless or until there is a complete separation of church and state in the Muslim world??  Obumble has fumblefucked foreign policy from day one, IMO.

Doing something that feels good isn't the same as doing something good.  The time has come for a complete rethinking of our strategy in the Middle East. What is our Strategy? In the 1980's friend and foe alike KNEW exactely where Ronald Stood on the issues of the day. With no doubt or ambiguity. 

Oh, and his spending, combined with the Fed's support (wreaking the Dollar's value) thru QE1, QE2, QE3, Operation Twist, etc. throwing Billions, now trillions of Dollars into the is no more than a  push the can can down the road to Apocalypse day. Then, add in Obamacare and the lies.....our economy is on the rocks with a and a falsely propped up stock market and with unsustainable deficits and debt.We are well and truly fucked people. WAKE THE FUCK UP, I BEG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 'Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past; for human events ever resemble those of preceding times. This arises from the fact that they are produced by men who ever have been, and ever shall be, animated by the same passions, and thus they necessarily have the same results.' - Machiavelli

1 comment:

  1. The one thing History teaches us is, that history teaches us nothing : (
