Sunday, August 12, 2012

Is it finally time to discuss a Fair or Flat Tax ?

The top 5%, top 1% and top 0.1% of Americans have been getting a bigger slice of all the income and paying a growing share of federal taxes.

From Ronald Reagan to Barack Obama, the tax code has been tweaked and the economy has had its ups and downs, and the share of federal taxes paid by the top 5% and the top 1% has risen faster than their share of income:
In the 1980s, the top 5% averaged 22.6% of income and paid 28.5% of taxes.
In the 1990s, the top 5% averaged 25.3% of income and paid 34.3% of taxes
In the 2000s, the top 5% averaged 28.4% of the income and paid 40.3% of the taxes.

Average tax rates have come down for everyone. On average, the tax bite on the rich is bigger—except for those whose income mainly comes from capital gains and dividends.

 The rich do, on average, pay more of their income in taxes than the middle class. So do the super-rich—on average.

So, the reality is, it's natural and selfish, for each of us, everyone, to vote for others to pay more if we believe we benefit. I submit that our tax system is unfair, unreadable and crazy and broken. We don't suffer from a revenue problem, the issue at it's core is spending. Washington and our elected representatives never met a spending program they didn't like, if they think it will get them a few votes. If  not now, when will we finally take a serious look at this broken tax system and study and openly debate a "Fair or Flat" tax system.

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