In 2007, liberal whacko film maker, Michael Moore released his cult documentary Sicko, in which he clearly advocated that the United Kingdom’s National Health Service was the best example of socialized medicine in the world and that the US needed to follow suit.
Obama wasted no time in pushing for a nationalized health program along with the aid of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. They threw out so many facts, figures and examples that they had no clue what they were saying or even what was in the Affordable Care Act. Remember Nancy Pelosi famous statement, “We have to pass this thing so we can find out what’s in it.”
They constantly used the British National Health Service and Canada’s programs as the model examples we needed to follow. Obama seemed to be on the verge of becoming a British citizen because of how he promoted their ways and their health system and told us that we need to follow their example.
The United Kingdom has been waking up to the realization that national health care just does not work. Over the past couple of years, they have seen the financial burden of providing health care to a grateful nation. They have been forced to reduce coverage and care on many of the less serious afflictions.
In the latest news, British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced that they are looking in the possibility of outsourcing some of the NHS coverage to private health care providers. They watched the Greek government financially meltdown which was partially due to all of the entitlements that went to the people and the British leaders are wanting to avoid a similar disaster.
The British have been down the street of national health care, didn’t like what they saw and are now looking at making a U-turn. In the meantime, the Obama administration is completely blind to the model they followed and instead of slowing down to avoid the same dangers; they are rapidly picking up speed. And from what most experts can see, the end of the road is nothing but complete disaster and destruction.
Yes Mr. President, perhaps we should look more closely to the model health care program you so vehemently held up as your shining example. It hasn’t worked for them and it’s not working for us.
Read more: Obama’s Model of National Healthcare is Failing in the UK http://godfatherpolitics.com/3757/obamas-model-of-national-healthcare-is-failing-in-the-uk/#ixzz1ms1HA5dn
further evidence on the facts of this article found here from Barclay's Bank U.K.: http://www.business.barclays.co.uk/BBB/A/Content/Files/Healthcare_Outlook_Q4.pdf
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