Saturday, October 9, 2010

transcript of my call last night to Victoria's Secret:

VS: Good Evening VS, How may I be of assistance?........

Me: mmmmmmmmm, Me want.

VS: You want what? To order from our catalog, sir?

Me: Want badly.

VS: Can you tell me an item number or description?

Me: Candice Swanepoel. Me want.

VS: You mean what she's wearing in our catalog?

Me: Me want. --Candice Swanepoel!     

VS: Did you mean our new bombshell perfume, sir?

Me: Want. Candice Swanepoel, - Smell nice. Yes, please, me want.

VS: I'm not sure I can help you, sir.

Me: I know.

VS: We are removing you from our mailing list Sir; Please do not call again!



  1. I like her because she doesn't have one of those tiny squirrel heads like many of todays models...

  2. you were always a freakshow, knew I liked you for a reason

    -Lou C

  3. Was I wrong??? (Didn't think so.)
